Becoming a better designer through confidence, self-improvement, and inspiration.

If we're getting down to it, you don't need the fancy equipment. Knowing the tools of the trade doesn't make you a great designer. Tutorial videos will only provide you with so much. The decision and ability to have confidence in yourself even when others don't and the willingness to learn will define you as a designer, taking you farther than any equipment ever could.

Although your designs may not be the best, be confident in your creations. You challenged yourself to create something, which is a massive step for improvement. It's important to doubt yourself. Just because you doubt yourself doesn't mean you are inadequate. It means you are aware and conscious that you could be better. Focus on yourself, and create works that hold meaning to you. These things will make you most proud. 

A graphic designer will attain knowledge and skills throughout their journey. Still, you won't be fully receptive to that knowledge until you have a reason to do so, so focus on the things that inspire you and be confident in them. 

I can recall one time when working with a client through a third party, I completed the design and submitted it. Although I was confident in what I made, the person reviewing the design was not. They asked me to make revisions and add more to it; usually, I would take it back, make the edits and call it a day, but this was a design that I thought was amazing. Too fantastic to let any feedback get in the way of and possibly ruin what I thought was a good design. After striking up the courage to speak up, I stepped out of my comfort zone to ask them if the client had seen the design. They said no. I told them to show the client the design; if they didn't like it, they could fire me. I'm telling you, they are going to like this. 

This person couldn't terminate me, but a display of confidence got my final design over to the client. The client ended up loving the design, and it was instantly approved. Now I'm not saying this works every time, but for some reason, this time, it did. Without that confidence, I probably would have ruined what I saw as a good portfolio piece.

Learn the fundamentals, study the history, make horrible designs, and get feedback from someone who cares! Be inspired, be conscious of the graphic design around you, practice, and remember what inspired you to pursue graphic design in the first place. This inspiration is the reason behind your efforts. This inspiration is your motivation to keep going. Design things you care about. 


Design Challenge: Design A Flyer for an early 2000s Cyber Themed Rave Event.


Good Sans-Serif Typefaces to Use on Your Next Poster Design