Miguel's Journey into the World of Art

An interview with @Othermiguel Curated By @Sonderplant


Who are you?

I am Miguel, simply me.

Having a diverse style and subject matter, who would you say was or still currently is your inspiration for your work?

I would definitely say reeno is a big inspiration. I love the way he makes art and how he manages to create and inspire. George Condo recently became an inspiration to me as of late, thanks to my brother Chris. His Kafkaesque style really resonates with me. Ian Woods is also an inspiration.

What sparked your interest for art?

My family's knack for creating things, whether it be little structures for our animals, knitted clothing, or just drawing logos, really made me interested in art. Also, my late uncle made amazing art, which my mom always spoke highly of, inspiring me. I also liked Lego, so being able to create random things really helped with my desire to make art.

How would you define your style?

I have no style, to be honest. I don’t want to limit myself by saying I have a style, but I would like to have my little hallmark which people would notice and connect to me.

Do you think having a unique style is important in the art field?

Not necessarily. If you make good art, people will recognize it.

How do you handle criticism of your work or feedback in general?

I see criticism, think about it, then forget about it. If I like what I created, then I don't care.

Can you share your experience with burnout and how did that affect your work, and eventually, how did you get out of it?

Burnout is all a mindset, really. When I've faced it, I just take a break from art and step away from creating. Although I never completely stop, I always pick up on little things I may want to use later. I never stop being inspired.

What is your all-time favorite piece of media (movie/anime)?

Ratatouille is one of, if not my favorite movie ever. The message really resonated with me even as a kid. Some close seconds are There Will Be Blood, Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Irishman, and Spider-man 2.

Do you have some advice for artists struggling to find their place and their style in this field?

Don’t stress about something you love, keep going and never stop. Have that drive, be different, be weird, and never stop working. Don't worry about developing a style; it will come to you as long as you keep working.

Anything you want to shout out?

Thank you, God, for everything.

A @Thevisualpharmacy & @Sonderplant collaboration


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